
Volunteer opportunities are available at the East Campus Pantry! Please email us for more information.

Volunteer Commitments

  • Work at least one, one-hour shift per week staffing the pantry and welcoming students
  • Actively participate as a member of the Pantry Student Advisory Board that meets once a month during the school year
  • Speak to at least one group per semester about the pantry
  • Volunteer for at least two other pantry events during the semester, which may include:
    • Collecting donations from the donation bins around campus
    • Helping to market the pantry, reaching out to campus and community organizations to create awareness, staffing booths at involvement fairs, etc.
    • Soliciting donations from university and community groups and helping to coordinate food drives
    • Representing the pantry at events and picking up donations from food drives
Portrait of Meklit Aga

Meklit Aga


Meklit has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 1 semester

Portrait of Samar Al-Foory

Samar Al-Foory

Supply Chain Management

Samar has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 3 semesters

Portrait of Tim Anderson

Tim Anderson


Tim has been volunteering at the East Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Megan Appelt

Megan Appelt

Nutrition Science/Pre-Dietetics

Megan has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 3 semesters

Portrait of Antonio Azpeitia-Lopez

Antonio Azpeitia-Lopez

Applied Science

Antonio has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 1 semester

Portrait of Jill Belgen

Jill Belgen


Jill has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 6 semesters

Morgan Berg


Morgan has been volunteering at the East Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Kate Berzonsky

Kate Berzonsky


Kate has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 5 semesters

McKenzie Coffee

Nutrition and Health Science

McKenzie has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 1 semester

Portrait of Julia Curtis

Julia Curtis

Nutrition & Dietetics

Julia has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 7 semesters

Portrait of Olivia Eno

Olivia Eno


Olivia has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 2 semesters

Mackenzie Evans

Food Science and Technology

Mackenzie has been volunteering at the East Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Sarah Gibbons- Peterson

Sarah Gibbons- Peterson

Communication Sciences

Sarah has been volunteering at the East Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Morgan Graham

Morgan Graham


Morgan has been volunteering at the East Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Elizabeth Jardee

Elizabeth Jardee

Business Administration & Microbiology

Elizabeth has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 1 semester

Portrait of Kailynn Jensen

Kailynn Jensen


Kailynn has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 7 semesters

Rita Kean


Rita has been volunteering at the East Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Divine Mbabazi

Divine Mbabazi

Integrated science

Divine has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 4 semesters

Portrait of Andie


Speech Pathology

Andie has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Layla Montemayor

Layla Montemayor


Layla has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 3 semesters

Portrait of Dominic Nath

Dominic Nath

Biology & Psychology

Dominic has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 1 semester

Deb Pearson


Deb has been volunteering at the East Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Sydney Pelster

Sydney Pelster

Business Administration

Sydney has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 1 semester

Portrait of Laura Perez-Villagomez

Laura Perez-Villagomez


Laura has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 3 semesters

Hannah Ray

Biological Sciences

Hannah has been volunteering at the East Campus location for 1 semester

Portrait of Madesyn Ronquillio

Madesyn Ronquillio

Nutrition Science/Pre-PA

Madesyn has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Troy Scheer

Troy Scheer

Nutrition Science/Pre-Nursing

Troy has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 5 semesters

Portrait of Simran Shah

Simran Shah


Simran has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Colleen Sherman

Colleen Sherman

Nutrition & Dietetics

Colleen has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 4 semesters

Emilee Smith


Emilee has been volunteering at the East Campus location for 1 semester

Portrait of Sami Smith

Sami Smith

Speech Pathology

Sami has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 1 semester

Portrait of Bri Speakar

Bri Speakar

Biological Sciences/Pre-med

Bri has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 3 semesters

Portrait of Devon Stein

Devon Stein

Business Management

Devon has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 1 semester

Linda Stevenson

Community Volunteer

Linda has been volunteering at the East Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Olivia Sullivan

Olivia Sullivan

English & Political Science

Olivia has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 1 semester

Portrait of Haley Szymczak

Haley Szymczak


Haley has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 2 semesters

Portrait of Emma Wagner

Emma Wagner

Actuarial Science

Emma has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 1 semester

Portrait of Brooklyn Weddle

Brooklyn Weddle

Animal Sciences

Brooklyn has been volunteering at the City Campus location for 2 semesters